publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.
- Out-of-Distribution Recovery with Object-Centric Keypoint Inverse Policy For Visuomotor Imitation LearningSpotlight at CoRL Workshop on Lifelong Learning for Home Robots, 2024.
- (On-Going) Robust Visuomotor Behavior Cloning Via Novel View Synthesis and Stable Action SynthesisProposed pipeline for novel consistent view and stable action generation from single robot demonstration as data-augmentation scheme to enable significantly more data-efficient visuomotor policy learning, 2024.
- (On-Going) Learning Globally-Latently-Asymptotically Stable Visuomotor PolicyCan vision-based robot policy output actions that converges to some latent attractor? Is it better to separate the learning of latent states with the learning of latent dynamics? We aim to investigate this question in this project, 2024.
- Novel Environment Transfer of Visuomotor Policy Via Object-Centric Domain-RandomizationProposed GDN-ACT, a novel, scalable approach that enables zero-shot generalization of visuomotor policies across unseen environments, using a pre-trained state-space mapping for object localization, May 2024.
- Modular Gait Optimization: From Unit Moves to Multi-Step Trajectory in Bipedal SystemsProposed the Gait Modularization and Optimization Technique (GMOT), which leverages modular unit gaits as initialization for Hybrid Direct Collocation (HDC), reducing sensitivity to constraints and enhancing computational stability across various gaits, including walking, running, and hopping, Dec 2023.
- Miniature City Autonomous Driving Platform Development with Real-Time Vision-Based Lane-FollowingDeveloped the drive stack for Washington University’s inaugural miniature city autonomous driving platform by developing the vision-based lane-following pipeline, May 2023.